
God is calling you! 

good morning last night , I went to see Oprah at the Scotiabank in Ottawa. It was such a beautiful evening. firstly, I manifested a ticket to this awesome event filled with several thousand women who look to Oprah as a teacher, mentor and guide. I remember telling God, I would love to see Oprah, however, I don't want to buy a if I am truly meant to be there, then find a way. I then let it go! The beauty of manifesting ....asking, feeling it and then releasing it. trusting all is well and will unfold as it is meant to. As I sat there and listened to Oprah share her various life messages, I am saying to God, nothing new here.....however, thank you from the bottom of my big heart because I so needed to be here tonight to here your messages through Oprah. there were many messages last night that caught my attention. I will only focus on a few today. One is a believing...believing that there is this higher power always at work in the universe. perhaps, you call it God, Goddess, Love, universe , spirit. it simply not important what you call simply a matter of believing that this energy, higher power is always present and available to tap into. I have always believed in some version of God...i say version because as a Catholic, I grew up believing that god is a guy with a long white beard ...don't know where that image came from....however, that image for me has evolved over time as I have evolved. God is every is this powerful, loving energy that is always there for us to tap into. I have talked to God along the way, and most often when I felt I needed it most...though that changed several years ago with my practice of gratitude. I thank God each and every day for many many things...that has shifted how I see things....I now use this practice in a gratitude love journal with my handsome husband. each and every night we both take time to write a few thoughts about the other that touched us , inspired us, moved us in some way. our relationship is shifting. Believe in God, believe in yourself...we are all here for a purpose ....we have all been called here to be present at this moment in time to experience earth. many get caught up in the proverbial chase of what is my purpose, rather than living purposefully each and every moment of every day. sometimes, some of us here our calling loud and clear...for others, like myself, it's been a gentle pull , one step at a time,....each step being more delicious and scrumptious from the last. Each different yet weaved beautifully together. often our calling may be found in what I call the mess of my life....for years, I have had what I would say is a disconnected relationship with my sexuality...though i would not have said that years ago. when I say sexuality, I am not saying I question my sexuality as a woman...what I am saying is that I've resisted embracing my sexuality as a woman because of my various interpretations, stories and limiting beliefs about how I was to show up as a woman in the world.... Last fall in an intuitive reading, a dear friend , teacher and mentor of mine shared with me that your calling is to teach , to have conversations about sensuality and sexuality. I laughed so hard when I heard it and told her, that she had the wrong woman for the job. She stood her ground....spirit was talking thru her and I so know this because we do the same kind of work....I knew what she was speaking was the truth. My ego self, so wanted nothing to do with it all...not one....i've spent the last several months, if not most of my lifetime denying this calling in some way. here I had been praying to God to use me, in service to the God had answered. I did not like the answer, so like a spoilt child who did not like what she heard, she silenced that voice and continued shopping so to speak.....though the message was not lost and rumbled beneath the surface.....until finally the other day, as I stood there looking into the mirror, I said ok God...I say YES...I accept your invite to dance fully with you and to step into, to embrace my calling. I have no idea what I am here for however I trust it will be a delicious and exciting ride because, when we walk with God by our side, it can't help but be that!   God is calling you....will you dare answer the call when it shows up or will you choose to ignore it? you get to choose! your life here on earth is your gift from God, what you choose to do with it, is your gift to God. the love in me honours the love in you! diane    

Live in the Magic! April 2013 Newsletter 

Spring is a perfect time to open your hearts to receive love and blessings bestowed upon you by our ever abundant universe. I recently came back from Ojai, California. this trip changed my life in so many ways. It was filled with many magical and mystical moments, so many in fact, that I can only touch on one small one here with you in the hopes that it will inspire you to open up your hearts even more to receive the many gifts God has in store for you. 

feel it…acknowledge it…release it 

hello beautiful ones... it has been a while since we have last touched base in this way. I am truly sorry ...It's been a whirlwind of activities. well , here I am. My journey is all about teaching others to embrace their authentic selves...helping them to tap into their inner goddesses so to speak. some of you may wonder what does that truly mean? honestly, the real answer is you get to define what goddess means for you whether you are a woman or a man, there is a feminine energy that is always within you and available to tap into whenever you are ready. on journey to embracing our authentic selves is filled with so many awesome things and some times, we may get side swiped by a wave of emotions. When the wave of emotions show up in your life, do you have a tendency to push it down? push it away? tell it to go away because you just don't have the time to deal with it or simply don't want to deal with it?  I can so understand, and I use to do the same thing. for you see, as a young girl , I was conditioned on many occasions by others who told me...suck it up! that's part of life so be it! you can t be sad! you don't have time to be what you got to do! does any of this sound familiar....   well this morning as I sat there to begin a new journey of art journalling (blending in paints, crayons, markers, collaging and words)...I was suddenly filled with deep sadness and frustration. My first instinct was to push it down because that is what I have been conditoned to do along the way. I sat there for several minutes doing my best to work through the painting so to speak. it was just not working because the energy of these emotions were so strong and so needed to be acknowledge and heard. so, I humbly put away my painting supplies because I felt like my journal writing journal was the place for me to express what was going on within me..... I made my way to my office, sat down with my journal....took a few deep breaths and said ok...let's have it...what is it that I am feeling? I just let the feelings spew out on paper. whatever came , I just wrote it down. one, disdain, disgust, sadness etc.....some of them surprised me. I however did not judge them. I welcome them. thanked them for sharing. then I chose to engage with them...what is disgusting you?  in my process, what I realized is that a big part of me, did not want to embrace my shadow side. it's easy for us to embrace our gifts..the good stuff so to speak but to own, acknoweldge our shadow side can at times be difficult. today I chose to embrace her and tell her that I love her no matter how she chooses to show up today in the world.I am a gift to this embrace the whole package, not a just a part. befriend your emotions....they will lead the way to a more authentic you. namaste diane your goddess coach    

Speak your truth with Love 

hello beautiful ones the universe provides ample opportunities for growth ...recently, I hired a friend to help me out with some research and administration tasks that I just could not seem to get too. however, these are an important element of my business. When we are solopreneurs, it is often a challenge to balance all of the tasks, activities, functions and more times, than not ,certain things tend to fall by the wayside for me. I was inspired by Spirit a few weeks ago to chat with a dear friend of mine to see if she would be interested in helping me out a few hours each week. She graciously accepted the invite. a few weeks have gone by, and I have yet to delegate some tasks. though my wheels have been spinning as I try to discern what I want her to help me out with. some of things, I thought about , was why not help me out with a few upcoming events. I extended the invite to her. Miscommunication ensued over the course of the last week between us. It' s neither good or bad, it just is. As a situation arose on Monday, I was wondering how to navigate this situation. you see in the past, I would have been angry and would have likely have said things that may have hurt her and our friendship. I knew this about me. So I chose to sit with it for a few days. Saying to myself, this is an opportunity of growth for me. what do I say? how do I say it? also, in the past, one of my patterns was to say things via email and hide behind the felt safer there for me though often things were misunderstood because put it plainly, people read into emails according to how they see the world. so the message often got lost , misunderstood, and/or misinterpreted. So picking up the phone, was out of my comfort box. Now listen, I have no problems talking and filling air time. that is easy for me to do. however, sharing how I feel about something that did not go as I thought it would is not always easy for me. walking the way of the Goddess, it is to embrace everything with love. to simply be aware that there could be one thousand different reasons for what unfolded. Breathe love into, ask, explore and see what lies beneath. In walking the Goddess way, speaking with love, and tenderness gets greater results than standing in the position, but I must be right , therefore.....In walking the Goddess way, standing in our power with love and looking for solutions that work best for the overall good of all...that serves humanity. In walking the Goddess way, there are times where she must stand truly in her power in a stronger way and make choices that may impact another which they may perceive as hurtful. As a Goddess , my intention, is to come from a place of love always and to serve human kind. All of this to stay, as I walked the Goddess way  today in this situation, all unfolded beautifully and got resolved. we both took the time to explore our feelings and what we needed from each other in order to make this work beautifully and seemlessly. Love is truly the way...the next time you are faced with a difficult situation...take a few deep breaths, connect with your heart center and ask your infinite self as well as the universe to help you find a loving solution to the situation. be patient...and trust, the answer will come. it always comes. it's not on your time but that of the timing of the universe.  Speaking your truth will set you free! try it some may just like truly does become easier with each and every breath....step The goddess in me salutes and honours the goddess within you. diane your goddess coach              

Trust dear one Trust! 

a few weeks ago, I booked a writing week away in the EAstern Township....I was planning on going there for the March break. Writing at home has proven to be quite a challenge on a good day...the phone rings, emails etc....though I must say I , at times, my work on disciplining myself a little better..that I won't deny. it's a little harder when you are at home and it requires me to be more vigilant to say the least.  I called the Inn and booked the week as well as blocked the time off in my calendar. a few days ago, I got this feeling, a really strong feeling,  that I was to cancel this week at the Inn. I looked over the cancellation policy and I was well within the time frame to cancel with minimum penalty. I took the steps to cancel the reservations. all went well. I sit there, and say to my spirit what?  I don't know...what I do know is that I am meant to take that time to focus on writing my book. in my way, I thought, well I will set myself to write from my downtown office that week. Chatted with my hubby on how to make it happen so that I didn't have to worry about the homefront. He is by biggest fan and supports me in all that I do. I go on my merry way, simply being and having let go of the idea. this morning , I wake up with the inspiration to look into a weekend course in Ojai California that I had been eyeing for some time now. the weekend is being held in the middle of march. Um...I said to spirit is this where I am meant to be for the week or so. You see, at the beginning of the year I had said wouldn't be awesome if I could head out there for a week or so, write...then participate in the weekend and make my way home a few days later. My head talked me out of it for 100 different reasons. it has a tendency to do so sometimes. as I pondered momentarily the message I had received, I said to spirit, if I am truly meant to be there, please help me find a way to make it affordable. I call the travel agent to find out if we can use the air miles that were on the account....weeks before when I was speaking with her on something else, she said Diane if really desires to use the air miles, one must book at least 6 months ahead if not a year ahead, depending on the destination. As I called her, I am praying and asked spirit to find a seat for the dates I was requesting. A few hours later, and the seats were booked....decent flight patterns and times. Wow....I said to spirit continuously amaze me with how things unfold . thank you . I booked the flight, reserve my spot for the women's intensive weekend...and simply awaiting my confirmation for accommodations. all of this to say, TRUST your guidance that the mystery of the universe is working on your behalf. I didn't know why I had to cancel my first reservation...I simply chose to trust. I remember my husband asking me why did you change your mind, I replied, i was guided to do so and I honestly don't know why. Today, I was guided to take a different route; to book a different location to write my book with a bonus of attending a powerful dynamic weekend created especially for women! The goddess way is heart led and heart inspired. it's not always a straight road and requires that you trust yourself, and trust the guidance you are receiving. the women's intensive weekend for all about embracing and stepping more and more into my is my hope to share this experience with you when I come home...create a weekend here to share with all of the beautiful goddess that are unable to make it to California! the goddess in me salutes the goddess in you!   diane your goddess coach daring you to be yourself!      

The way of the Goddess 

what is the way of the goddess, I often ask myself? what does it mean to be a goddess? does that term still mean something to me? if so, then what?  thus, began my journey with exploring what goddess means to me and honestly, I believe the definition is not concrete per say's always evolving...changes as I believe it should. it is my belief that we, as souls, are here to grow and evolve spiritually. I would therefore put Goddess in that same basket so to speak. always growing and evolving. I am a goddess. Goddess for me is not so much a persona or something concrete to bite my teeth into. for me it's an energy...that is available to everyone, men as well as women. it is a feminine energy for me. A goddess embodies the following qualities: tenderness, strength, courage, loving, sensual, creative, sexual, assertive etc...I will refer to goddess here in the feminine as a she but please note that if you are a man reading this, please consider that the reference to she is the energy I am referring to and not a person. .She defines herself according to herself and not what the world is seeking from her. She is comfortable in her own skin...she is grounded in her being. she leads her life from her heart....follows her intuition/her gut rather than following the intellect . this is not to say that one does not do it's research , find facts etc...that is important to do so in many cases. what I am saying is that in addition to facts, tune into your heart to see what feels right for you...just because everything makes sense, it does not mean you should see it thru if something just does not feel a 100%. Leading from her heart, means that she chooses from a place of love rather than fear for she knows fear holds you captive in victim mode. I am discovering her more and more, and yet I feel I know so little...I choose to let my curiosity lead the way and I look forward to where she may lead. . I have chosen to dedicate my life to discovering, exploring, embracing and embody her for the partriartical way I was following was no longer resonating with me.   the love in me salutes the love in you diane your goddess coach  

The Power of Self- Love 

As I Began to Love Myself –  by Charlie Chaplin As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody As I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”. As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”. As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”. As I began to love myself I quit steeling my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”. As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”. As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”. As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”. As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But As I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”. We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know THAT IS “LIFE”!

Burlesque! Burlesque! calling my name 

hello my beautiful fellow goddesses....I am so excited to share with you that our the next Goddess Lounge which I will be hosting at Serendipity Books and Gifts on WEllington Street In Ottawa that I will have the pleasure of having a delicious conversation with Bella Barecatt,creative director of  the Ottawa Burlesque Playground. at the goddess lounge we will get a little preview into the world of burlesque...perhaps this will inspire you to get in touch with your inner tigress and/or vixen..perhaps it will help you strengthen the connection of your that beautiful naughty one that is within you! All in fun of course!  the purpose of the evening is to gather with like minded women, to have some fun while broadening our horizons discovering/basking in our sensual selves! the other day, a thought came to mind...a snapshot of a memory...I love that when spirit does gently nudged me to remind me that a few years ago when I was in creative  workshop I was asked to list 10 possible careers, business' I would love to do no object was a beautiful creative dream exercise...out of my mouth comes burlesque dancer! I honestly didn't know at the time where that came from but it's obvious to me now, that my infinite self was feeding my soul with some yummy inspiration. I laughed as did my husband. my girlfriend who was leading the workshop at that time, said I could so see you do that! I said really....oh and by the way, I didn't even know what it meant....absolutely didn't know...the workshop was before held the Burlesque movie that came out ...oh clues....perhaps... because of this little nugget of love by spirit, I so went to see the movie when it came to the big screen...I so love it...what did I love about it...well I love , love Christina Aguilera's pure.....what I love was that the women would get dressed up scantilly or one may say provocatively, to entice /entertain the audience...they would lip sync and dance these amazing dance routines ....i love that these women were able to get into tap into their sensual selves and have an absolute blast doing's my understanding that we have a vibrant burlesque community this evening at the Goddess lounge will be a perfect opportunity to experience it just a little! how exciting..... oh yeah...and I am going to my first burlesque dancing class tonight at Alana's dance studio here it Ottawa....a little scared but really excited...out of my comfort box I go....Yippee...

Out of Box- 

hello my beautiful ones   today, I am feeling inspired to share with you how I am somewhat uncomfortable going out of my box...out of my comfort zone. hey, I believe we all have comfort zones. Many of us are creates of habit and do things in the same way , day in and day out. when someone dares us to think differently or to do something differently, we are not always open to the idea. we much prefer to stay with what we know versus what we don't know. in december, I went to see Nicole Babin, a powerful energy worker, to have session called the Reconnection. The reconnection was created by Dr. Eric Pearl and it 's my primary purpose as I understand it is to reconnect you with your DNA ....or shall I say soul's essence in some way....AT the time of the session which took place over 2 consecutive days, I felt great and very peaceful. however, when I left there I did wonder has anything changed and if so what. I will say though though that I am big believer in energy work and I knew something had changed even though I may not have physically experienced it at that moment in time. Let's roll into January and add to this mixture , praying to God use me, my voice, my gifts and talents to serve the greatest good of all....surrendering my life to the divine mystery so to speak.... since december, I have felt  a really strong urge/desire to sit my little touchy down and start writing my first book. how does one do so , when they have never done this before. where do you start, I asked? then one of my beautiful nieces kindly reminded me, Aunt Di, it all starts with one word....which is so the midst of all of this I also had an intuitive session with a dear friend/colleague of mine that I so love and admire- Tara Taylor. I wanted some guidance as to next steps in my business as well as my book. WEll, that session totally knocked my socks off really....because Spirit revealed thru Tara that the focus of my book is to be on sensuality/ it is I came into embracing my divine feminine! I said to her , are you for real....are you sure you are talking to the right girl here....she laughed and gently said yes, dear this is your highest calling in this time. you are being reformatted so to speak at the moment so that you can fully embrace this mission of yours! WHAT! now don't get  me wrong, I like's fun to talk about sex with my girlfriends and with my special man, but to bare my soul in a book that will touch on this topic....OH SHIT I said, am I truly ready for this.....of course, the EGO loving every moment here and so wanting to take control and almost immediately, fearful and doubtful thoughts started flowing in. Yet, I will say this , my heart knew the truth...what Spirit had shared via Tara...felt so right in so many ways, and if I am truly honest with myself, i've seen clues from the universe along the way ... so, I did begin to write in early january but came to a full halt and could not write more. it's as if something in me, knew that i was going down the wrong lane to so speak ....some of my writing was coming in from my head rather than my heart. I therefore went to play in my art studio instead to keep the creative juices flowing. trusting that something would come from this as well, just in a different format. I also realized at that moment, that it' s time to listen to the heart more whenI write...and do my best to get out of my  head...this is not always easy for me....though it's much better than it ever use to be, there still room for growth.   roll forward a few weeks, in an intuitive coaching session with Tara, she shares that Spirit is asking me to go see a drag queen show. I said can you repeat that! she laughed....she said go to experience a drag queen show, have conversations with them, there's some great info there for your it research she says. inside me, I am saying are you for real i in the middle of some sort of freak show and someone forgot to send me the memo! Spirit you see is pushing me way outside my comfort zone....this is not a prejudging thing...I know absolutely so very little on the drag queen shows...I know nothing really of this resistance to the idea, is that it is totally new and so not something i have ever thought of doing. then I reflect on my week in Jamaica which was just last week....and there at one of the evening shows, was a drag queen singing a whitney Houston song and I loved the performance...I , at the beginning thought it was a woman , then my husband said no...take a good look...and the he/she started to strip so to speak...take off the wig, ...then the gloves....I loved every moment of that show because he/she was totally in the flow of the feminine essence...i felt that and so loved it. it was so beautiful to witness .....then yesterday, I happen to mention to one of my friends, my most recent Spirit dare that came in MOnday's coaching session.  Guess what? she had just seen a TV show that had interviewed a popular drag queen in Montreal....She tells, me I so would love to see his/her show. we said, well let's plan on going that's where we are now....planning a girlfriend getaway weekend...with a little twist! All of this to say, as much as a lot of these things are pushing me outside my very comfortable comfort zone, I

Observe- life is full of precious gifts! 

good morning I m back from a week's vacation in the sun! it felt so good to unplug so to speak from the daily grind of my life. I shared the week with my handsome man and what a fabulous , love filled week it was! We walked the beach every single day, feet caressed by the golden sun, the sand and the warm ocean water! Ah, food for my soul! Hours laying on the beach getting lost in stories. I 'm so proud of myself because for the first time in a very long time, I chose to read a few books written by fellow Canadian authors! delicious stories and I am so grateful for the gift of writing ! One evening we were invited to Chocolate Extravaganza! This I am sure in conjuring some fabulous images in  your mind already! Well there were tables filled with all kinds of delicious chocolate goodies. My chocolate lover of a husband was totally lost in the moment , just like a child with lots of options before, where do I start. the evening was absolutely fabulous on so many levels. The chocolate fountain oozing dark chocolate so that you may dip your fruit in it...what a delicious way to take in your fruit!  a fun and creative way to get your daily fruit consumption in! There were a few things that caught my attention that evening....I will only elaborate on one here.  The staff all dressed in white were mingling with the guests all evening long. One special gentleman got my attention. He was totally embodying the goddess energy. he was bold, he was sassy , and a whole lot of fun. he had a way to engage the guests in some salacious conversations which were totally fun and uncomfortable for some! I , however, totally loved it and I so admire him. He caught my eye and I chose to observe him for the evening. I so loved that he was bold...that he did his own thing and that he was totally comfortable being who he was....yes, I believe he may have been gay...which adds more juicyness to the evening! people are often quick to judge others who are not like them or who tend to be way out there so to speak. He swayed his hips....I am saying..ya , baby...that is so cool.....inside I was saying, I so have to be more like this. So comfortable in my own skin and just showing up in the world with my own flair...that is in essence of a goddess characteristic! a delightful addition to the evening was the show the resort blessed us with. A most amazing singer...she was so goddess like in her presence from what she was wearing , a long beautiful, form fitting white dress which showed her fabulous woman curves. Please show me where I can get a dress like that! man it was so hot and sexy! her voice truly decadent...she could really sing and I was so thrilled to be in her presence as she shared her gifts with us!  which by the way, is what we are all here to do- share our gifts with the world!  the songs, made us move the groove....I so love dancing. It is such an incredible way to get into our bodies and to let the music flow thru you, to move you! Ah so much can totally be a way to rev up your sexy factor! Well this gentleman of which I spoke of just a little earlier, was on the dance floor....well dancing on the grass....that was such a treat to dance under the glow of the moon and the stars! pure joy! This man knew how to move to the music...he just swayed his hips and I secretly wished I could move like him!  in some way, I let myself be inspired touched by his getting lost in the I closed my eyes and let the music move husband being the lucky recipient of this vision of beauty unfolding before him.....he just loved that I got lost in the music, that I let my inner goddess just take over and just be.....I was smoking...I was putting on my sexy moves and I honestly didn't give a crap about who was around me...lost in my world, lost in my moment. just loving every decadent moment of what I call ecstasy! purely delicious! ah....this is what life is truly about...these precious delicious moments which when you choose to let go....will inspire your true self to show up!  My wonderful husband talked to me about that moment last night while we were having dinner....he said he so loved witnessing my letting  myself go and letting my goddess flow...getting his juices flowing so to speak! LOL! he also asked me if I had heard the singer, say YOU GO GIRL! I said I had heard her say it but I was lost in the moment and had no idea who she was talking to....he said babe, she was talking to you! She pointed out the audience as she said that! I blushed when he shared this story yet felt this incredible pride that when I choose to let go and let my inner goddess come thru, how it is truly a blessing to me, to my husband and to all....this little light of mine , I m going to let it shine! I encourage you to go out into the world today and simply observe. did something capture your eye? if so, what is can you let more of that of which you have witnessed flow into your being and into your life? will you dare to be bold, even when others are watching? what will you do to unleash your inner goddess and share more of your light with the world! enjoy the ride! the love in me salutes the love in you Diane intuitive spiritual teacher and coach  

Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach