
Dress your spirit! 

for the last little bit, I have been observing the world at large and how some women are showing up in it.  Based on this little project I gave myself, I realized that many women would seem to just get dressed in the morning, putting what would seem little forethought in the outfit they chose. Now, I know that I am drawing a conclusion here based on my view of the world.  as I am standing in line at the checkout of some store, I am glancing around. Here is what I saw, women wearing baggy clothes..meaning baggy T shirts, often with logo on them or a picture of sorts....stretchy pants and running shoes. Note, these women were of different colour, shapes and sizes.Much of the chosen pieces I observed lack in colour per here we are it's spring and there are many vibrant colours to choose from...and many were wearing shades of browns, blacks, greys. Really.....what about the pink, fuschias, turquoise, green , orange, yellows..... long ago during a conversation with a friend of mine, she says to me one day, Di have you ever noticed that some women just seem to get up in the morning and just put their clothes on while others get dressed. Um....great observation I said.....I have always chosen to dress up my spirit ....meaning, I get up in the morning, tune into how I am feeling and then choose an outfit. What do I mean by dress your spirit....for one , dress your body size and shape...there are options for all sizes...bigger, fully shaped , curvacious women do have options of choosing clothes that fit them. Simply become aware of your body and embrace where it is at that moment in time.  Spirit for means inject your personality in your choice of clothing and accessories. If you not sure what that may be, buy some fashion magazines and tear out the pictures- the looks that appeal to you. And no, you don't have to pay gazillions of dollars to do so. It means that you must get creative and find your own unique way to create the outfit you love in the magazine. keep a fashion journal to keep you inspired....Inject colour. I so wish I knew who chose the designs and colours for us because some of the choices that show up in the stores suck big time. My pet peeve is that we have many colours in the rainbow, why are we limiting our choices to a few.....adding colour to your wardrobe does make one feel good. Recently, a niece of mine came to live with us. her wardrobe consisted of black , black and more black with the odd colour piece. She often felt depressed. I took her out shopping and pulled out coloured jeans, coloured tops and dresses. She tried them on and said to me, I love how I feel when I put this colour on. Wow, I didn't know I could feel different by simply choosing to wear different colours. Now some of you may be restricted to a colour theme a with the styles and then inject colour in your evening and weekend wear Now I can hear some of you saying, well that costs a lot of money. Yes, one can invest lots of money in clothes. However, I am a bargains shopper. what that means, is I always go to the sales rack in the store and browse it first to see if I can find interesting pieces. I have found some great deals, and I mean great deals when you take the time to look. You can add style, colour with accessories, be it a scarf, a belt, jewelry, shoes....there are so many ways to do can find great deals at consignement stores and at stores like value would be amazed at what you can find...simply give yourself permission to explore . Try new styles on, stretch yourself. Styles do evolve and change. Our spirit is ever evolving. I am a woman and so proud to be. I have come to love my curves, all of them and embrace them,and dressing them. I play with clothing. I choose to show off my curves. I love basking in my feminine essence and look for pieces of clothing that will let me radiate my feminine essence. It's taken a curious spirit to explore what works and what doesn't work for my body shape. I have had some great laughs along the way but all in good fun.  Dress our true spirit! Rather than just put your clothes on the morning, give some thought as to your spirit and dress her up...for I can guarantee the woman in you so wants to be free to express herself....and one of the ways that we get to do so is in the clothes you choose to wear! Will you be daring and go out of you comfort zone to try a new style, to add some vibrant colour to your wardrobe? if not now, then when......  

Are you happy with your body? 

Our bodies are our sacred vessels that we have been blessed with in this lifetime. Many of us have had some challenges graciously accepting our bodies because we feel on some level that it needs to look a certain way or be a certain size. We are constantly bombarded by messages about beauty, and how we should look in this world. For example, at the checkouts at your local superstore, there are usually loads of magazine. Have you ever seen a woman on the cover that is not slim and/or curvaceous? rather unlikely....for years, I did not like my body. when I looked in the mirror, all I saw were the things I did not like about myself, like my scars, my stretch marks, my round tummy etc. I was overweight at the time by approx 3o lbs. I simply chose to eat for the fact of eating. Many things did not agree with me and I ate them anyways, choosing to ignore what my body was telling me ...I don't like this food cant you tell. My handsome man whom I married 30 years ago would tell me daily that I was beautiful . You know what the sad part is , I didn't believe him. A part of me so wanted to yet I felt he was just saying that to me because he was married to me. I would often tell him you say that because you are married to if you chose to marry someone you thought was ugly etc....I would often say to him, I m the average girl next door...nothing special there. he so disagreed. I couldn't believe know why because deep down inside if I had chosen to believe it, I was afraid someone would hurt me because long ago when I was a little girl a man that I loved and trusted told me I was beautiful and dared to hurt me in a way no little girl should be hurt! I associated being beautiful as being a bad thing. I played down my beauty. I also focused on the outer beauty rather than inner beauty. I was conditioned in some way to do so. Why are we as women afraid to love and accept our bodies as they are? It is a gift that we were given and here most days many of us choose to trash it for some reason or other. Why do we choose to buy into the messages created by the media? I understand that it's hard no to because we are literally bombarded daily with messages about how are bodies are suppose to look like. Real women do have tummies, scars, strecth marks etc.  Real woman have real bodies....they come in all kinds of shapes , sizes and colours!  Stop buying into the media version of what you are suppose to look like. Tell them to take a freaking hike to no where! Love your's yours...spend time to get to know it really well...cherish it...nourish it...give it good, exercise etc....give it the way real beauty is an inside job! When we truly love and embrace who we are at our core...that shines through naturally !

Sex Matters- is your sexuality something you turn on or off like a tap? 

Recently, a mentor of mine recommended that I read Sex Matters  for Women - A complete guide to taking care of your sexual self. I'm only a few chapters in and I am learning so much about myself, about women and our relationship with sexuality. isn't interesting that it is something that we all have in common yet few dare to speak about their sexuality openly, at least in my circle of friends. How is it in your circle of influence? There is the occasional fun conversation about a delicious evening with their partner yet so few of us talk about some real issues that are related to ourselves. I included. My journey with my sexuality has been ever evolving. there have been pivotal moments that have most definitely impacted me as to how I show up in the world and others less so, yet they are all interweaved in some way. One not better or more important than another, yet they are all a part of the big picture. "unfortunately, even in our enlightened age, many women think of sexuality as  a series of disconnected, discrete behaviors.  Women have sex, they act sexy, and they think about sex at various times during any one day. But sexuality is not something we turn on and off, like a tap.  We are sexual beings all the time, and the more we understand how this facet intertwines with all of the others, the richer our lives become."  ( sex matters-by Foley, Kope, and Sugrue) this paragraph caught my attention this morning. It was an ah ha moment for me! I am so guilty of thinking of my sexuality as a series of disconnected behaviors.....Yes, I have sex, act sexy and think about sex occasionally.....- the authors go on to say, but sexuality is not something we turn on and off, like a tap! Really.....I missed the memo on that one! that's for sure. I have approached more times than not, like a tap that I turn on and off. why is that? conditioning...a lack of knowledge or understanding . No one ever really talked to me about my sexuality and how it may unfold. the lessons or the messages, I did get in school , church and don't have sex before you are married. No one ever took the time to share what one may experience. All I remember were the messages of don't do this, don t do that , etc. Repression was the name of the game and they called it education. Really where is the education in sharing with me sex positive messages? Telling me that I am a sexual being and that one will experience so many things along the way would have been so awesome and likely life changing! The authors stated that we are born sexual beings. funny thing is something surely went awry along the way, because I never really got that message along the way. Did you? Yes, I am a woman and yes I know sex is what we can all experience when we choose to...I am very much aware of that. I though more often than not have used sex much like a tap , turn it on and off as convenient as that may be. Sexual being, what does that mean to you? for me, it's being open to life experiences each and every moment of our day. Taking in the sensory of the experience , being in your  body, letting life flow through you naturally. It is knowing that as a woman I am a sexual being...that I can radiate sensuousness in so many different ways and they don't have to lead to having sex. Sensuousness is an energy you can tap into and is incredibly powerful. Sexual being means to me being fully alive , opened,  to the flow of life that is us that flows through us, that gives us life. Sexual energy is the life force energy that is us and in each of us. It's so much more than the simple act of making love to someone. As the authors of this great book also shared, "you are always in the process of exploring your sexuality, because it is every fluid." how are you exploring your sexuality? happy explorations.... Canada's goddess coach         you are always in the process of  exploring your sexuality, because it is ever fluid.

Exploring – the gift that keeps on giving! 

Exploring is so much fun! It's amazing what you will discover about yourself and about others when you simply allow yourself to explore! In my private practice, I often will invite my clients to try something new- to explore! Many times, this is met with some resistance! What do you mean explore? I don't know where to start?   I don't have time? To which I don't have time for you?  This is your life and you get to choose each and every step of the way how you choose to live your life. Don't leave it up to chance! I've been contemplating taking a new course this fall in sexuality. that is where I feel led to explore next. It can seem pretty scary yet exciting to explore new topics, hobbies, books, workshops, courses. I've been slow dancing with the topic of sexuality for a little while in various ways. It's seductive! it's attractive, yet it scares the crap out of me in some way! why, because my wonderful inner critic is having way too much fun these days saying are you sure? is this a right fit for you? Are you really ready to learn a new language? Sexuality has it s own language you see, so I would be learning something new. The topic lures me in and is certainly the main theme in my first book coming out later this year. so here is what happend on the way to exploring....I have been exploring various options regarding the study of sexuality so that I solidify my business foundation One of the things I was looking at was a course offered in San Fransisco. I sent an email requesting some additional information and seeking clarity on a few items. Well, I get an email from the Dr who created the coaching program which is an integral part of the schooling program I was looking into. She requested that we set up a time to chat so that she may address my questions. We chatted via skype last week. What a fabulous session it was. What a beautiful being she is, Dr. Patti Britton, a sex therapist and a warrior in motion. Her passion is life is to create a sex positive movement. meaning that we have healthy thoughts regarding how we view, experience sexuality in our world. admist the sex propaganda, it's certainly a refreshing change to know that someone cares enough to want to change the message around sexuality! I am all for it! Exploring lead me to her, to a most amazing conversation that nourished my soul. It led to clarity about my choices on how to go about reaching my goals and she has agreed to help me with them. amazing what comes to us if we open our hearts up to lovve and have a willingness to explore and go outside of our boxes! Explore, how do you begin? well, start with something that is of interest to you...if you have forgotten,I invite you to think about some of the things you may have said along the way like, when I retire, I will take this course! when I have some time, I would love to travel to this place etc. simply start with taking action steps, perhaps it's exploring on the internet or maybe it's talking to someone who may have the information you are seeking. then, take another action step, then another....try not to get to caught up in the outcome. enjoy every precious moment!   Canada's Goddess Coach

Yes, You are amazing! 

Recently , at a cocktail party where we were celebrating 9 amazing women who were finalist in the Women Business Network's Business of the Year awards, I witnessed a touching moment. The evening was organized by the Gala committee for which I am a member of! Our objective was to create a special evening where the finalist had a chance to meet one another as well as meet  and chat the BYA gala committee members. It was a deligthful evening of interesting conversations with various women whom are all successful in each of their respective fields be it Corporate, Professional or Entrepreneurial! Such an inspirational evening and I love that we were celebrating these incredible women in a small intimate setting. part of the unfoldment of the evening, included the introductions of these amazing women. A few members of the BYA Gala Committee took turns introducing the candidates from each of the 3 categories being Corporate, Professional and Entrepreneurial. For me, the moment that was absolutely amazing to witness was when one of my teammates introduced one of the women in the Corporate category. When she was introduced this petite and attractive woman shouted out with glee and excitement that YES, I AM AMAZING!  It was done with such class, fun and vivaciousness.  I loved that she felt so comfortable in stating so in such a public way because in our society , I believe many of us have been conditioned to do the opposite, to stay in the shadows . I don't remember being taught anywhere how to bask in my brilliant self...let alone celebrate them. another fascinating part was observing the other women in the room as she shared this glee of excitement with us! Many of them, surprised and so not sure what to think about this moment or how to process. Absolutely fascinating. I loved it and had a wide smile on my face...saying to myself, how can I do more of this for the women that I work with and myself! Let the creative juices flow! I am a big fan of celebrating our amazing selves! if not us, then who. Why wait for someone else to do so on your behalf....find ways to celebrate your amazing self! This beautiful woman, Shannon Lambert,  did win in her category and I so loved the way she made her way to the stage that evening at our Gala event that was held on April 17th at the Hampton Inn.  She in her long beautiful dress danced her way to the stage...she did her celebration dance for everyone to witness. Now that is basking in your brilliance in a confident way! thank you Shannon for being in the moment, for standing confidently in your Goddess self  and simply being your fabulous self! You rock! with love diane Canada s Goddess Coach    

Celebrate the gift of you! 

good morning my beautiful Goddesses My wish for you today is that you will choose to find creative ways to celebrate your magnificent self! There are countless ways to do so. Perhaps, celebrating yourself may seem a little foreign to you or may sound simply selfish or maybe you simply, how the heck do I do that and why do so.... Why not do so. Many women take it upon themselves to celebrate others or to mark occasions for the special people in their lives. This comes really naturally for some women, often at the expense of themselves. Often feeling likes its their responsibility to do so, because if they didn't do so, then who would! oh, what an intersting question to explore...what if you didn't do it just this one time, would the world fall apart....I don't believe so...maybe it would inpsire someone else to step in or maybe it just happens to be a quiet moment rather than a stressed filled moment to make sure everything is perfect. Celebrating ourselves may seem like such a foreign concept because I believe we , as women, have been conditioned to play down our best assets. Men for some reason seem to have a much easier time to do so, though not always because many of them have been hypnotized into believing that we are not meant to really embrace our awesomeness as a human being. The very fact that you are here on this earth is a gift in and of itself. How quickly we have forgotten  that our very existence, our very life is a gift. Many of us, if not most of us take it for granted, meaning we get on with our lives each and every day making the huge assumption that we will be back at it tomorrow. What if for a moment you thought you took the time to ponder: what if I am not here tomorrow? how would you choose to live your life today? in this moment? would you choose to bask in love ? bask in your silliness or would you be totally miserable and bring this attitude to all that you are doing. Yes, we all have messes in our lives. My mess is no better or greater than just is....I know what my mess is , more or less, however, I don't choose to infect the rest of the world with it. I choose to be with it, to move with it, to love it and trust that all is as it is meant to be at this moment in time. Celebrating would one do so? well I believe there are endless ways to do so....simply use your imagination and ...then take action. Yes, you are worthy of celebrating you. You can start with a list of all the things you love most about yourself....each day take the time to list at least 5 things that you love about yourself....maybe you will dance to some of your favourite tunes in the kitchen while you are getting dinner ready or while your partner prepares dinner....maybe you take some time off work, and go for a walk in the woods to be in nature...maybe it s going to the dollar store in your neighborhood and going down the children's aisle and pick up a few items or more to simply play like bubbles, stickers, colouring book ....a yoyo.....a holahoop....perhaps it's been a while since you've not bought that special bottle of wine that you love so much....don t wait for that special it now, pour yourself a delicious glass and simply be with it...feel it texture in your mouth....enjoy the act of just being in the moment....maybe , add a chocolate truffle or two and there you go....making your heart sing. don't wait for a special day to celebrate yourself, today is as special as any other why not give yourself permission to celebrate you! here's a toast to your goddess self today and celebrate the gift of being you!   the love in me honours the love in you   diane Canada's goddess Coach    

Dancing in the body 

A few weeks ago, I had a privated dance class with a beautiful teacher, Steffi Retzlaff! She teaches a few kinds of dance classes, one called Nia , the other called soul Motion. I approached her with regards to Soul Motion. It s a most amazing dance free of choreography! It has four components, intimate with self, communion with a partner, community and the infinite. WE had talked months before about this kind of dance and it most certainly peaked  my interest...why well, I wanted to dance with the divine in a new way and I have two left feet so to speak, meaning learning steps is not one of my greatest strengths.   I loved the idea of just being in the moment, tuning into my body and following it's natural rhythm while connecting intentionally with spirit. Steffi created a beautiful space which I was invited to enter. I was also asked if I wanted to explore the curiosity of my heart....Um...what a most fabulous question...I dare to step into the sacred space, giving myself over to spirit for the 90 minutes. What a beautiful , intimate experience. one with my body, the music, with spirit, with the space. I moved to the music as I was invited to by my times, I let my wilder self out and dare to crawl on the floor and be more animalistic. there were not judgements in this space.....simply love and acceptance to be who I was in this moment. what an incredibly delicious opportunity. Bonus, a great 90 minute workout to beautiful , uplifting music. about an hour into our session, we were focusing , per my request to open up my sacral chakra invite freely into my being the flow of life, creativity, sexual energy etc.....She gently guided me , asked me to say Yes to life! Yes to much as I tried to say Yes, I could not say it out loud....everything within my being was resisting...though intellectually I so wanted it...why am I resisting? a pattern of late for me....Um....and then, Yup...the tears started flowing....I cried and cried.....Steffi, being her magnificent , beautiful self, held a sacred space by continuing to dance. I let the tears flow....then I screamed out a huge scream...letting out the hurt , the anger, the frustration that was within my being. I wondered if the Janitor on the other side of the door would hear...Im sure he did...and in that moment, I didn't give a shit...really, I needed to let it out.....I chose not to judge it. I chose not to question it. I simply let it flow from my being...releasing the feelings, surrendering to the moment. I then resumed dancing as soon as I was ready and felt so much lighter than when I had started. when I left there that afternoon, I said to myself ,there is something to this dancing as a way of healing, of surrendering to the divine. I am so grateful for the teaching moment. It inspired me to sign up for group sessions that Steffi has created just for a small group of us. I was grateful to have a quiet afternoon that Friday to just be with my goddess self. will you dare to explore something new? will you dare to embrace the curiosity of the heart and see where it may lead you?        

What do you see in the mirror? 

Yesterday, I met with one of my mentors who is helping me to step into my power as a business woman. the last 5 years or so has surely been a most interesting journey of ebbs and flows , of questioning , of questing, of great learning. I have met some incredible people whom have changed my life and many of them the clients whom I have the honour to serve  on their journey of self- love!  One of the best jobs, I could possibly have! I love witnessing the light bulb moments and the transformations! It is so incredibly rewarding! As I was sitting there yesterday with this beautiful friend of  mine, and we were bouncing different ideas around....she said, Diane have you ever taken the time to stop and see, ponder on  who you have chosen to surround yourself your inner circle that is. Um...well, yes and no...I'm now thinking there's a moment of teaching at hand....though I do give thanks for all of my blessings daily, some times, I do not break it down into the little morsels of deliciousness. for you see, I have a small circle of core girlfriends in my inner circle....each of them unique, incredibly beautiful and gifted in their own respective ways. Each of them successful in their businesses...Um...this fabulous friend of mine then dares to remind me that I am surrounded by grounded, confident, strong, loving and very successful women...could they be a reflection of you in any way? Silence.... funny thing is that I so know this....I teach it, I do my best to embody it...some times, I, much like you need to be reminded to look at my life, to take stock take a really good look within and give deep also reminded me to embrace and celebrate that I  am unique, incredibly beautiful, gifted and very successful! All of the qualities of a Goddess...yes, the goddess in indeed present in me each and every moment of each day! So I ask you, what is it that you see in another that you love and admire? Know with all of your being that these amazing qualities that you love and admire in another is also within you otherwise, you would not be able to recognize it! Let your fabulous self radiate rays of love and joy today as you continue to bask in your amazing goddess self!  

Love After Love 

  Last week at the evening with Oprah, she shared this beautiful poem which I have cherish since the time she has shared in O magazine several years ago. Soemthing about it just spoke to me...and still speaks to me. You are the most precious gift there is and I believe, some how, some where, many of us have forgotten that we are a precious gift to this world. Many get lost in the negative inner self talk rather than celebrate the magnificent being that they are. Many believing that they must do great acts in order to be recognized and/or acknowledged when in fact just being present each and every moment of their life is what is being asked of them. As Mother Theresa once shared with us, do small acts with great love! May this poem inspire you to celebrate your magnificent self...each day is an opportunity to celebrate will you choose to celebrate and feast on your life! Poem by Derek Walcott Love after Love The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome,   and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give Bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you   all of your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. take down the love letters from the bookshelf,   the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life.      

You become what you believe! 

good morning my Goddesses The other evening as I sat in the presence of Oprah, I was reminded of many important life messages. I love the way God does so ...sometimes, in a subtle way, other times, it's like a big neon sign flashing....grabbing my attention and saying are you hearing this? The whole evening with Oprah was like  big NEON sign...flashing in a big way! As I sat there taking it all in, I laughed and said to God, Ok, I get it....thanks for providing me with this free ticket to be here this evening. I graciously said thank you from my heart because I so knew that I had to be there that night. A dear friend of mine, gently reminded me recently that our words create our world! I heard the words....I say ..yeah I so get it....intellectually I got it but some where within me, I for some odd reason had not fully embodied it in my body, in my life. Who knows why...sometimes, I believe some of us have fun with our so called pity parties. I have had a few in my life and hopefully there will be less along the way, though, it is likely I will have some here and there as I believe it is part of being human. On this night with Oprah, she shares with us that You become what you believe! She shared that she believed that she was meant to take information and share it with the world in her own creative way. She began her life as a journalist and is most likely one of the most inspirational woman of our time who changed the face of daytime tv shows and so much more. As I sat there and let those words seep into my being: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU BELIEVE! ....I am thinking, there's a little bit more work required here. I am in the midst of a spiritual transformation which is weaving its way into all aspect of my being and life. It's like I am shedding a skin...literally and figuratively. I will share that it's been very uncomfortable on a good day because my ego mind is trying to find something it can compare it to and it so cannot find's also trying to rationalilze it....and it's not really working other than creating chaos in my mind which means that I at times can get on that hamster wheel in my mind and it spins , spins...where and when its stops is up to me....this powerful yet very simple message was a reminder to adjust my thinking so to speak! My business is evolving and that can be scary at least it is for me...because a part of me so has a desire to want to control it rather than fully trust God will lead the way . I am to say yes to God's invite, pick up the clues along the way, take action and know that I am exactly where I am meant to be a this moment in time. my business is evolving in a way that is stretching me out of my comfort zone...quite a bit actually...I love being on stage so that part of my business is easy and fun for me. The topic that I am being guided to speak about...that of sexuality and sensuality is what I have been resisting for months now.....why me...what do I may I serve others with this topic etc.....The other day, I said enough I looked into the mirror and connected with my beautiful sparkling green eyes....and said Ok God, I will serve you in this way. I accept your invite I have no idea what this truly means other than I so know it will be an exhilerating ride filled with muh fun, joy, love, growth..lots of growth...the best part is that I get to serve and express my soul's unique expression while helping others on their journey. I in that moment chose to Believe that I am a Goddess who has this amazing gift to teach and it's time that I step into that gift that is uniquely mine. what do you believe about yourself? what have you been resisting to step into? what words will you choose to create your world? know that there is no one quite like choose to express the uniqueness of your soul in your own way....need not be perfect...simply move forth knowing you are not alone and that the goddess energy is always present and that you can tap into it's magical powers to assist you on your journey of self evolution. the love in me embraces and honours the love in you!      

Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach