
Intuition, the whispers that lead the way 

It is my belief that each and every one of us are intuitive. perhaps you have said, I have a gut feeling something is up....perhaps, you've said something just doesn't feel right, perhaps you feel nudge to pick up the phone or write an email to someone you have not seen or spoken to in a while,perhaps it has shown up as a don't trust this person or I m not sure this deal is right for me.  Intuition is a strong and powerful often shows up in fleeing moments. it shows up as a whisper and often when I least expect it sometimes, though it can be a strong feeling that just comes up upon you....Are you listening? are you following the inspiration that just popped into your mind or do you question it because most often it is not logical and your logical mind will try to find a reason to rationalize, to justify.....Yes, that wonderful mind of ours, the EGO which keeps us most often from listening to the whispers of your heart. for me,intuition is the voice of my is the whisper of the divine mystery always guiding me on my journey. I at times have followed it with ease and loved every moment of it and other times, I ignored it only to pay a price of sorts. many times, we don't know where our inspired idea will lead us is in these moments that we are to learn to trust that whisper within our being which so knows the way of our hearts.  we are receiving inspiration, intuitive info all of the time. I have yet to get them all as I am often not present or in the moment because I am caught up in the hamster wheel in my mind. When I present, when I am in the moment, fleeing inspiration shows up. the question is will I choose to trust it because sometimes it simply the inspiration simply does not make sense to my logical mind!   Yesterday, I was inspired to start this journal for my spouse. the inspiration came at a moment's glance yesterday and my first reaction was, really...why? and what am i to do with that? my logical mind could not find the rationale behind it and tried so hard to keep me from doing it. I was inspired to write in the journal every single write a love note, a note of thanks, a poem, a story, an inspirational thought idea's totally wide open to my creative imagination! the intention is to write with him in mind and to share this journal with him either daily or weekly...when I feel inspired to do so. I have yet to know why but my mind so wants to know. I trust the source, which for me is the divine mystery , that it knows where it is leading this little gem of an idea. honestly, I can only see great things unfold as a result of this little inspiration....perhaps it is not so little after all....perhaps it will deepen, strengthen the love we have for one another? is this still possible when you have shared your life with a partner for 30 plus years? I believe it is....I trust there is something bigger than me behind this inspired idea and I am happily taking inspired action steps daily . are you looking for ways to strengthen that bond between you and a loved one? are you looking for  a new way to connect, reconnect with your partner? are you looking at transforming your relationship with  your partner? perhaps, this inspiration may work for you. so why not buy a journal or maybe you have one at home awaiting you to put your little mark on it......set your intention.....let your imagination take you to fun places and see it unfold on the pages before you....maybe you will be inspired to collage some words....a sentence from one of your favourite books or poems, perhaps you will share a funny story or a joke, perhaps you will focus a few moments on the things that your partner has done well today....a note of gratitude, of appreciation goes a long way....if you decide to accept the invite, please email me updates as to your journey with this project.....Please note that perhaps your journal may be for a loved one that is not your significant other....maybe it is a special friend, a sibling or a parent with whom you have a special connection your inner your intuition for it knows the way. abundant blessings to you diane

Invite to Open your heart and receive more love 

Happy New Year's to each and everyone! As promised to you in my newsletter, here I am sharing my journey with you on line this coming year. MY wish for each and every one of you is that this year, 2013,  be more amazing than the last! My prayer for each of you is that you will all fall madly deeply in love with your amazing and brilliant selves, while opening your heart fully to receive the love that is ours to embrace!  at the beginning of this new year, I invite you to set your intention for this year...rather than make a huge list of resolutions which many of you will not keep....I invite you to ponder on what is it that you would like to create and/ or experience most in your life this coming year. Keep it simple....

Your life masterpiece 

Quote When we are really honest with ourselves, we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us.  So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.  César Chavez A few weeks ago, when I was in the studio painting, what came to me in a moment of inspiration was the following: your life is a love letter to God!  I was struck with incredible ahhhness….and found the statement so powerful.   I to this day, I continue to ponder these beautiful  and powerful words….God for me is this universal energy of love available to each and every one of us…it’s in everything, it’s in you!

Are you willing to be Brave to listen to your heart, to your spirit? 

“All it takes is finding the bravery to be true to what’s in your heart and in your spirit.  It’s not always easy (that’s the brave part) but is wonderfully simple.”  Jamie Ridler I love this quote…it is simple yet incredibly powerful. Are you being true to your heart? To your Spirit?  Your spirit is your soul’s essence and it’s important to know her/him well and let him/her shine as brilliantly as she can. Your spirit lies deep within you…it is you…the very core of you… you let your Spirit shine through or do you put a mask on it…afraid of showing others who you truly are for fear they may judge or reject it? Do the opinion of others sway you ….meaning, you put more importance on their words, thoughts and perceptions rather than searching your own heart to discover what is innately yours to begin with.

One Love, One Heart 

This week’s newsletter is inspired by Bob Marley’s song; One Love, One Heart which I heard for the very first time when I was in Jamaica recently. I do believe we are all connected and that we are all special and unique.  We are one heart, one love- all a big part of the human family. We are love. You are loved. Wherever you are, love finds you.  It can be felt in the touch of another, it can be heard and felt in music, it may be in the warmth of the sun kissing your face. It may be found in the gentle breeze of the wind or the ocean air. It may be found in the giggles, the laughter and the tears.  You may taste love in the deliciousness of the food you choose to put into your body (your sacred vessel for this earthly plane).  It is everywhere! Can you see it? Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Can you taste it?  Are you aware that love abounds everywhere around you or are you seeking it, awaiting for it to show itself in that one special person rather than choosing to experience it right now?

The Key Is Love 

In my earlier years, I defined success by the status of my professional career and the things I had achieved and obtained in my personal life. But within me, a deep stirring rumbled beneath the surface − I did not know what it signified. Yet it scared me. This feeling never really left me; I would go as far as to say it haunted me. It would make an appearance when I least expected it to, while I was continuously searching outside myself for the answers, believing I would find something out there to satisfy my personal needs.

Are you tired of stuffing your feelings down? 

The Genie In You 

The Genie in You There's a genie deep within you; He's been there from the start. He's not in some old dusty lamp; He lives within your heart.

My wish for you 2011- January 24, 2011 – Newsletter 

Happy New Year to fabulous ,talented, gorgeous you! For me, ringing in the New Year is time for inner reflection, a time to let go of things/beliefs that no longer serve me or to let go of the many things I’ve been holding on tightly that my be holding me back. It’s a perfect time to sit, contemplate and look back at the year that just went so that I can take a full inventory of the things I am most grateful for and to fully embrace with love and gratitude the incredible gifts/lessons that were bestowed upon me. All with a view that each of these assist me to move forth in this new year deeper awareness of self as well as a greater appreciation for life’s most precious things/people/places.

The Healing Peace of Reiki 

Article by Jacqueline Ramsey This article appears in the current Winter 2010 issue of Reiki News Magazine. "Oh God, I’m paralyzed," my mind screamed. I lay in bed unable to move. I had awoken and tried to get out of bed when the pain in my upper body hit. It had been so sharp and so severe that I just lay there trying to calm myself and manage my rising panic. Eventually I was assisted out of bed and taken to the doctor by my husband. I was not paralyzed, though I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my neck. I lived in pain, every hour of every day after that, for almost four years. Weeks after my diagnosis, a friend suggested I take a Reiki class along with the pain medication and physiotherapy. Listening to her describe it, I got really excited. This first level was primarily for self-healing though I would be able to use it for others. At this point I was most interested in it for me, but I figured I would practice on family and friends, too.

Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach