Archives for BLOG POST

Conscious & Passionate kissing – Secret # 1 to Succulent living

Beautiful One, I am so excited to share with you my first secret to living a turned on life ~ conscious and passionate KISSING!  I love, love, love kissing and I am a big proponent of encouraging couples to consciously and passionately kiss each other every single day. Repeat as often as you wish! It truly helps to keep your love tank full and revving on high! In my experience, I have heard many people - men and women share that they rarely kiss their partners. Most of them are in a long term relationship. This baffles me and saddens me deeply for when one chooses to disconnect in this way, I believe this slowly begins to erode the relationship and can make one feel like they are living with a roommate rather than with a passionate and engaged partner. Life is meant to be pleasurable and joyful. To keep things hot, sizzling and spicy, each partner must consciously choose to continuously invest in their relationship. At times,  one of you may need to lead for a little while until balance is restored within the relationship. 
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Passion – Dare to Explore!

I hope you’ve had a fabulous summer! Mine has been filled with many rich moments as well as some difficult moments; celebrating a daughter’s wedding to the love her life to my hubby’s car being stolen from our driveway and all kinds of things in between! I am learning to ride the waves with greater love and connecting with the blessings in all moments. Each day a gift to be celebrated no matter what showed up! Our life is precious and priceless. Sharing, spreading, being Love is our only purpose. All the rest is icing on the cake! 
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Gratitude Love Project

It’s been a while since I’ve last touch base with you. I hope that all is well with you. I thank you for your patience,understanding and your continued loyalty. For me, December is a time of reflection as the year is quickly coming to a close. Amidst this busy festive season, I encourage you to carve out some quite time just for you to reflect on the gifts, the blessings and the lessons of this past year. When we are busy running the treadmill of life, it is so easy to forget all that has transpired during the year. Perhaps, for some of you it’s been a year filled with personal challenges. I do believe that there is light and gifts in these challenges and I invite you to look for the good in all of it....there is always a thread of hope, of light....change how you see things and your life will change!
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Dare to say yes to your dreams?

Happy Summer to you! It’s been a while since we have touched base. I hope that you are doing well. Many have asked about my book...first and foremost, thank you for asking and touching base via email. Your thoughtfulness, kindness and your support means the world to me. Know that I am here to support you in your greatness. 
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Reclaim your sexual diva!

This morning, the Ottawa Citizen reported a story on that the race is on to market the pill to treat sexual dysfunction in women. in this article, the following Sharo Kirkey reports the following: a pill that purpots to make a woman's brain more sensitive to sexual cues has emerged as the newest front-runner ......the stakes are enormous : Studies Show up to a third of women report problems with sexual desire and arousal.
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Let’s talk about sex!

Recently, I’ve read a book  called the Heart and Soul of  Sex by Dr Gina Ogden. Dr. Gina is a sex therapist and a researcher and has worked with thousands of women over the years. This beautiful book is in part a celebration for women. It messages are essenatially about helping us understand and embrace that our sexual experiences encompasses so much more than what happens in the bedroom. As Dr Gina states ” It can affect our whole experience – and can become a powerful path to growth and healing”. over the course of the next few weeks, I
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Dare you embrace your sexual diva?

Sexuality is a topic often see as provocative and many times as taboo. Why is that?  We are often bombarded with messages in the media about sex….commercials created with scantily clad women in the hopes this will seduce a potential buyer into buying their product. Does it work, my guess is yes. however, what message are we really sending out there in the world? Have any of you stopped to really think about it? it’s not simply about selling alchohol or something other fancy toy, in some way, we objectify women.. furthermore, often, many women feel uncomfortable with their bodies
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You are beautiful no matter what they say!

hello lovely ones today’s blog has been inspired by a moment that I witnessed last evening while watching So You Think You Can Dance!  for those of you who may not be aware of the premise of the show, it provides an opportunity for youth to show off their dancing skills and hopefuly make it to the top 20 …then the top 10 on the show. Most dance styles are covered in this reality show which usually airs spring/summer. The dancers are judged for their talents and may move forward in the competition if the judges agree to letting them
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Winds are changing

good morning the winds are changing and life once again is bringing forth some new life experiences. Though when these show up, many of us experience so many different emotions. It’s ok to feel the emotions , all of them. we do not have to hide behind them. In our culture , I find many have been conditioned to not feel and express all of the emotions. Many choose to express only the good feelings so to speak , like joy, excitement, happiness, etc…Many though choose to put a cap on sadness, loneliness, anger etc. there are many awesome tools
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Dress your spirit!

for the last little bit, I have been observing the world at large and how some women are showing up in it.  Based on this little project I gave myself, I realized that many women would seem to just get dressed in the morning, putting what would seem little forethought in the outfit they chose. Now, I know that I am drawing a conclusion here based on my view of the world.  as I am standing in line at the checkout of some store, I am glancing around. Here is what I saw, women wearing baggy clothes..meaning baggy T shirts,
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