Archives for BLOG POST

Are We Sacredness in Motion?

In this blog I am sharing my thoughts and reflections on the sacredness of our lives. This post has been written with the intent to stir something within you. It was not written to hurt, or insult anyone. I am your sister on this human journey and my views on the church are mine and based on my personal experience. You may hold a different view and I love that you do. Let's celebrate our differences and unite with our love for human expression.
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Deep Within Her Self

This poem was inspired by another poem sent to me by a friend. The words in that poem did not land in me but it did inspire me to create this. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, and follow the words deep within.
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Let s dream together

Sequestered in your nest, let’s enjoy a cup of sunshine together. Imagine that we are sitting together, sipping on a cup of cocoa, tea or coffee, sharing some of our dreams. Yes, my beautiful sweet soul, I want to you know what your dreams are. This quiet time is perfect for dreaming, for pondering about your life and what changes, if any, you would love to bring to your life.
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The Mystery of Love

Love is knocking on your door inviting you to dance with its infinite mystery, will you be daring and brave enough to answer the call?
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Unearthing with Paint

This is month 2 in my Colour of Woman (COW) journey with Shiloh Sophia. This week we were invited to begin the deep dive in deeper into ourselves to explore those parts of self that we have set aside hidden, or lost. I am loving the process of setting an intention for my creative process. It brings a mindfulness to it as well it helps me to get centered. For me, I am now choosing to see my canvas as my sacred altar on which I am able to come and pray my thoughts, feelings , ideas with paint and brushes. Before my COW journey began I saw the canvas as a plain white piece of cloth and at times it intimidated me, other times I would simply dive in and play. I am loving this shift in perspective that our canvas, or our piece of paper on which we choose to play and create is a sacred altar where we can lay our prayers on.
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The Quest of the Bohemian Enchantress

Released and unleashed from her genie bottle, the Bohemian Enchantress awakes and blossoms. She is so ready to dazzle the world with her potent magic. Thousands of years in the making, she is finally free to her wild potent self. She is over the moon excited to be on this quest as she dares to dive in deep exploring her inner world with paint, canvas, brushes, pens, poetry, dance and the written word. She is transformed by their potent magic and shares this powerful alchemical brew and fragrance with thousands and thousands of women worldwide. She finally claims her artist self in ways she had never dared to and that feels so incredibly liberating .
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Intentional Prayer

I felt drawn to go the studio this morning. It was a spontaneous invite I chose to honour. Within me was swirling different emotions and rather than let them get stuck on a spin cycle which I have been guilty of doing more times than I can remember. I chose to give a voice to what was stirring within with paint and oil pastels. One of my morning rituals is to sit with a cup of tea and then pull an oracle card from one of my decks. these days I am playing with the Mother Mary oracle deck by Alana Fairchild with artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud. Today the card said , Our Lady of Answered Prayers. As I dove in to read it messages, floating within me was resistance , dismay, disappointment and frustration. I also felt embarrassed that I was feeling this way towards a holy message that is meant to encourage and inspire me. Your prayers are being answered. Well the thing is what is the answer and how do I recognize it? I am still learning to decode this. I also believe prayers are answered in their way and most certainly not in the way I am seeking them to be answered for we are all playing a part in the unfolding of the divine.
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Soulful Stories

Day 18 - my journey with Color of Woman With a cup of delicious tea in hand I began my day with reading the prayer I wrote yesterday. It is so yummy to read a prayer that you have created from your heart.  Part of my daily spiritual cafe, I often will choose to read a book, poem or creativity magazine. Today I began to read:  A Call To Action  Women, Religion, Violence and Power by Jimmy Carter. He is truly an remarkable and inspiring man who is actively advocating for women globally.  He inspires me to play a bigger game and to get to know my heart better so that I may find my place amidst it all. I believe there is ample room to make a difference in the world. 
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daily ramblings in the hands of the divine feminine

Today is Day 17 into my Intentional Creativity course with Shiloh Sophia MCCloud.  With each new day, I can feel the fire burning within me as I meet with friends to share about my journey and wondering how we may be able to collaborate to bring forth art as a healing tool in our community. I have a desire to be a a leader in my community. I dont want to just be a another dot on the map, I want to be a major destination on the map. All dreams begin with a seed, thus, I continue to plant them and nourish the seeds along the way as best as I can. I wonder where to begin? Where is the biggest need? How do I create a sustainable and economical business model where I can have loads of fun helping others while earning a great living? I do not have the answers just yet. I am choosing to sit down with the Blessed Mama and ask her for her guidance and direction as to the next step. I trust I will be shown the way. I choose to surrender to patience rather than let control get a strong hold of me. When I decide to let control lead the way, it often backfires or dwindles rather quickly. So , with new awareness, I choose to do it differently this time with the hope that the outcome is different than the other times. 
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Blossom into radiance

I am using my blog to chronicle my journey with the Color of Woman program. It's a diary of sorts. From day to day it will contain various things such as insights, rambles, rants or new morsels of awareness as I continue to walk this path. I hope that in some morself of my journey may be similar to what you may be experiencing in your life. EAch day as part of my spiritual practice I draw an oracle card from one of the many decks I have on hand. I these days am playing with the Mother Mary oracle deck created by Alana Fairchild and art work by Shiloh Sophia McCloud.  The oracle card I drew today Our lady of becoming.  “My beloved child, you are a divine flower preparing to bloom. You belong in the divine garden and you will blossom into radiance. I have declared it and it will be so! You shall thrive and be nourished into life. Your uniqueness and beauty shall not be hidden from the world, obscured by veils of fear and shame. I am the holy hand unveiling your secret light, that it may pour forth the grace that heals the world. This is your destiny, and it will be it. “
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