Archives for Love

daily ramblings in the hands of the divine feminine

Today is Day 17 into my Intentional Creativity course with Shiloh Sophia MCCloud.  With each new day, I can feel the fire burning within me as I meet with friends to share about my journey and wondering how we may be able to collaborate to bring forth art as a healing tool in our community. I have a desire to be a a leader in my community. I dont want to just be a another dot on the map, I want to be a major destination on the map. All dreams begin with a seed, thus, I continue to plant them and nourish the seeds along the way as best as I can. I wonder where to begin? Where is the biggest need? How do I create a sustainable and economical business model where I can have loads of fun helping others while earning a great living? I do not have the answers just yet. I am choosing to sit down with the Blessed Mama and ask her for her guidance and direction as to the next step. I trust I will be shown the way. I choose to surrender to patience rather than let control get a strong hold of me. When I decide to let control lead the way, it often backfires or dwindles rather quickly. So , with new awareness, I choose to do it differently this time with the hope that the outcome is different than the other times. 
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Gratitude Love Project

It’s been a while since I’ve last touch base with you. I hope that all is well with you. I thank you for your patience,understanding and your continued loyalty. For me, December is a time of reflection as the year is quickly coming to a close. Amidst this busy festive season, I encourage you to carve out some quite time just for you to reflect on the gifts, the blessings and the lessons of this past year. When we are busy running the treadmill of life, it is so easy to forget all that has transpired during the year. Perhaps, for some of you it’s been a year filled with personal challenges. I do believe that there is light and gifts in these challenges and I invite you to look for the good in all of it....there is always a thread of hope, of light....change how you see things and your life will change!
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You are beautiful no matter what they say!

hello lovely ones today’s blog has been inspired by a moment that I witnessed last evening while watching So You Think You Can Dance!  for those of you who may not be aware of the premise of the show, it provides an opportunity for youth to show off their dancing skills and hopefuly make it to the top 20 …then the top 10 on the show. Most dance styles are covered in this reality show which usually airs spring/summer. The dancers are judged for their talents and may move forward in the competition if the judges agree to letting them
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Winds are changing

good morning the winds are changing and life once again is bringing forth some new life experiences. Though when these show up, many of us experience so many different emotions. It’s ok to feel the emotions , all of them. we do not have to hide behind them. In our culture , I find many have been conditioned to not feel and express all of the emotions. Many choose to express only the good feelings so to speak , like joy, excitement, happiness, etc…Many though choose to put a cap on sadness, loneliness, anger etc. there are many awesome tools
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Observe- life is full of precious gifts!

good morning I m back from a week’s vacation in the sun! it felt so good to unplug so to speak from the daily grind of my life. I shared the week with my handsome man and what a fabulous , love filled week it was! We walked the beach every single day, feet caressed by the golden sun, the sand and the warm ocean water! Ah, food for my soul! Hours laying on the beach getting lost in stories. I ‘m so proud of myself because for the first time in a very long time, I chose to read
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Power of prayer

Just a little over a week ago, I picked up this amazing book at Chapters called The Divine Law of Compensation by Marianne Williamson. It’s an amazing gem of a book filled with many helpful tools and strategies.  In reading the book , I was reminded of the power of prayer….in my own way  I have been praying in what I would say is a sloppy way so to speak…gratitude has been a big part of my spiritual practice for years now…and I would call that my prayer time. In reading Marianne Williamson’s new book I was reminded of the
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small acts with great love

I believe mother theresa stated somewhere along her journey to do small acts with great love. I have had the opportunity this week to do just that in so many ways. When I awake in the morning, I lay in bed and connect with the womb of divinity in the universe…I ask my infinite self to lead the way in all that I do today …I connect with my heart center and send love out to the world. this week, I added something new. each morning and throughout my day,  I’ve been asking God to let me know where I
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Invite to Open your heart and receive more love

Happy New Year’s to each and everyone! As promised to you in my newsletter, here I am sharing my journey with you on line this coming year. MY wish for each and every one of you is that this year, 2013,  be more amazing than the last! My prayer for each of you is that you will all fall madly deeply in love with your amazing and brilliant selves, while opening your heart fully to receive the love that is ours to embrace!  at the beginning of this new year, I invite you to set your intention for this year…rather than make a huge
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Your life masterpiece

Quote When we are really honest with ourselves, we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us.  So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.  César Chavez A few weeks ago, when I was in the studio painting, what came to me in a moment of inspiration was the following: your life is a love letter to God!  I was struck with incredible ahhhness….and found the statement so powerful.   I to this day, I continue to ponder these beautiful  and powerful words….God for me is this universal energy of
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My wish for you 2011- January 24, 2011 – Newsletter

Happy New Year to fabulous ,talented, gorgeous you! For me, ringing in the New Year is time for inner reflection, a time to let go of things/beliefs that no longer serve me or to let go of the many things I’ve been holding on tightly that my be holding me back. It’s a perfect time to sit, contemplate and look back at the year that just went so that I can take a full inventory of the things I am most grateful for and to fully embrace with love and gratitude the incredible gifts/lessons that were bestowed upon me. All
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