Archives for spirit

Dare to say yes to your dreams?

Happy Summer to you! It’s been a while since we have touched base. I hope that you are doing well. Many have asked about my book...first and foremost, thank you for asking and touching base via email. Your thoughtfulness, kindness and your support means the world to me. Know that I am here to support you in your greatness. 
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Dress your spirit!

for the last little bit, I have been observing the world at large and how some women are showing up in it.  Based on this little project I gave myself, I realized that many women would seem to just get dressed in the morning, putting what would seem little forethought in the outfit they chose. Now, I know that I am drawing a conclusion here based on my view of the world.  as I am standing in line at the checkout of some store, I am glancing around. Here is what I saw, women wearing baggy clothes..meaning baggy T shirts,
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Dancing in the body

A few weeks ago, I had a privated dance class with a beautiful teacher, Steffi Retzlaff! She teaches a few kinds of dance classes, one called Nia , the other called soul Motion. I approached her with regards to Soul Motion. It s a most amazing dance free of choreography! It has four components, intimate with self, communion with a partner, community and the infinite. WE had talked months before about this kind of dance and it most certainly peaked  my interest…why well, I wanted to dance with the divine in a new way and I have two left feet
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Trust dear one Trust!

a few weeks ago, I booked a writing week away in the EAstern Township….I was planning on going there for the March break. Writing at home has proven to be quite a challenge on a good day…the phone rings, emails etc….though I must say I , at times, my work on disciplining myself a little better..that I won’t deny. it’s a little harder when you are at home and it requires me to be more vigilant to say the least.  I called the Inn and booked the week as well as blocked the time off in my calendar. a few
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Out of Box-

hello my beautiful ones   today, I am feeling inspired to share with you how I am somewhat uncomfortable going out of my box…out of my comfort zone. hey, I believe we all have comfort zones. Many of us are creates of habit and do things in the same way , day in and day out. when someone dares us to think differently or to do something differently, we are not always open to the idea. we much prefer to stay with what we know versus what we don’t know. in december, I went to see Nicole Babin, a powerful
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Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, there is a dream that I dreamed off once in a lullaby.  This morning I begin a new journey…a long held dream of mine. Today, I choose to let my inner goddess lead the way for you see, today, I begin the journey of writing my first book. I will go into the depths of my being and let the wisdom spill itself onto the pages.  for you see,  I’ve been told for years by many intuitives that I had a book/a story within me to share. I questioned this insight for years.
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Invite to Open your heart and receive more love

Happy New Year’s to each and everyone! As promised to you in my newsletter, here I am sharing my journey with you on line this coming year. MY wish for each and every one of you is that this year, 2013,  be more amazing than the last! My prayer for each of you is that you will all fall madly deeply in love with your amazing and brilliant selves, while opening your heart fully to receive the love that is ours to embrace!  at the beginning of this new year, I invite you to set your intention for this year…rather than make a huge
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Are you willing to be Brave to listen to your heart, to your spirit?

“All it takes is finding the bravery to be true to what’s in your heart and in your spirit.  It’s not always easy (that’s the brave part) but is wonderfully simple.”  Jamie Ridler I love this quote…it is simple yet incredibly powerful. Are you being true to your heart? To your Spirit?  Your spirit is your soul’s essence and it’s important to know her/him well and let him/her shine as brilliantly as she can. Your spirit lies deep within you…it is you…the very core of you… you let your Spirit shine through or do you put a mask on it…afraid
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