Archives for divine feminine

daily ramblings in the hands of the divine feminine

Today is Day 17 into my Intentional Creativity course with Shiloh Sophia MCCloud.  With each new day, I can feel the fire burning within me as I meet with friends to share about my journey and wondering how we may be able to collaborate to bring forth art as a healing tool in our community. I have a desire to be a a leader in my community. I dont want to just be a another dot on the map, I want to be a major destination on the map. All dreams begin with a seed, thus, I continue to plant them and nourish the seeds along the way as best as I can. I wonder where to begin? Where is the biggest need? How do I create a sustainable and economical business model where I can have loads of fun helping others while earning a great living? I do not have the answers just yet. I am choosing to sit down with the Blessed Mama and ask her for her guidance and direction as to the next step. I trust I will be shown the way. I choose to surrender to patience rather than let control get a strong hold of me. When I decide to let control lead the way, it often backfires or dwindles rather quickly. So , with new awareness, I choose to do it differently this time with the hope that the outcome is different than the other times. 
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My story with Intentional Creativity

Over the course of the next 9 months, I will be chronicling my journey with Intential Creativity method and the Colour of Woman program. The Colour of Woman 2017 program was  created by Shiloh Sophia and my class began it's journey on March 1st. Some of us gathered at Musea Sophia is Sonoma, California while many others joined us via live stream. In this post, I share how I came to the intentional creativity community . It was one totally guided by the Divine Feminine mystery.
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Power of Prayer – January 2013 – Diane Merpaw’s Newsletter

Happy New year to my fellow bundles of Love! These past few weeks have been all about going deeper within to explore and discover the depths of wisdom buried within, to release old wounds while inviting more love into my being, and into my experience I call life. In early January, I came across a most fabulous and powerful book that I have come to cherish. It’s called the Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson. the book is filled with many tips, strategies, insights and prayers. At this moment in my journey, I was really drawn to the prayers
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Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high, there is a dream that I dreamed off once in a lullaby.  This morning I begin a new journey…a long held dream of mine. Today, I choose to let my inner goddess lead the way for you see, today, I begin the journey of writing my first book. I will go into the depths of my being and let the wisdom spill itself onto the pages.  for you see,  I’ve been told for years by many intuitives that I had a book/a story within me to share. I questioned this insight for years.
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One Love, One Heart

This week’s newsletter is inspired by Bob Marley’s song; One Love, One Heart which I heard for the very first time when I was in Jamaica recently. I do believe we are all connected and that we are all special and unique.  We are one heart, one love- all a big part of the human family. We are love. You are loved. Wherever you are, love finds you.  It can be felt in the touch of another, it can be heard and felt in music, it may be in the warmth of the sun kissing your face. It may be
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