Archives for Diane Merpaw

Gifts lie in the discovery…self-discovery that is!

good Monday morning to you as I sit here, I am getting ready to head into my art studio for a little play time…I am feeling called to be there this morning as I continue to release emotional stuff which is no longer serving me. last week, a flashback to a family story came to my mind’s eye…..i know the story well, I’ve told it a few times. yet , it struck me differently this time. because it did, it got my attention. the message I felt around this was, time to really look within to see what’s beneath the
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Power of prayer

Just a little over a week ago, I picked up this amazing book at Chapters called The Divine Law of Compensation by Marianne Williamson. It’s an amazing gem of a book filled with many helpful tools and strategies.  In reading the book , I was reminded of the power of prayer….in my own way  I have been praying in what I would say is a sloppy way so to speak…gratitude has been a big part of my spiritual practice for years now…and I would call that my prayer time. In reading Marianne Williamson’s new book I was reminded of the
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small acts with great love

I believe mother theresa stated somewhere along her journey to do small acts with great love. I have had the opportunity this week to do just that in so many ways. When I awake in the morning, I lay in bed and connect with the womb of divinity in the universe…I ask my infinite self to lead the way in all that I do today …I connect with my heart center and send love out to the world. this week, I added something new. each morning and throughout my day,  I’ve been asking God to let me know where I
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Nourishing your soul!

good morning….sorry that I didn t get a chance to post something yesterday…i got up believing I would be writing for the day as that is my objective for this week to work creating my first book.  As i was having breakfast , I kept feeling the urge to go to my art studio, which is in my basement to play today….I had a goddess project in progress that had my name all over it! i sat with this….a thousands thoughts flying around in my mind as I was wondering about my book….could I really give myself permission to just
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Dance like nobody’s watching

good morning to all…..I received this you tube video from my husband yesterday …it entertained me, and inspired me to share it with you ….she the beautiful woman in the video s is a goddess in my eyes.  Because,  she dared to do something most people wouldn’t dare doing…dancing her little heart out at the Los Angeles Airport…..
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Are you following your inner guidance ?

It is my belief that we all have  personal GPS built within us. the question is do you listen to it? to you trust it? will you take action when inspired? Yes, it is totally possible to miss the inspiration because we are to busy with our hectic schedules getting from point a to b…for what I am not totally sure but many make it a priority to fill, overfill their schedules with stuff….lots and lots of stuff……so if your life, your mind is filled with lots of stuff, lots of noise, how do you believe you will be able
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Intuition, the whispers that lead the way

It is my belief that each and every one of us are intuitive. perhaps you have said, I have a gut feeling something is up….perhaps, you’ve said something just doesn’t feel right, perhaps you feel nudge to pick up the phone or write an email to someone you have not seen or spoken to in a while,perhaps it has shown up as a warning…like don’t trust this person or I m not sure this deal is right for me.  Intuition is a strong and powerful voice…it often shows up in fleeing moments. it shows up as a whisper and often
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