Archives for trust

Winds are changing

good morning the winds are changing and life once again is bringing forth some new life experiences. Though when these show up, many of us experience so many different emotions. It’s ok to feel the emotions , all of them. we do not have to hide behind them. In our culture , I find many have been conditioned to not feel and express all of the emotions. Many choose to express only the good feelings so to speak , like joy, excitement, happiness, etc…Many though choose to put a cap on sadness, loneliness, anger etc. there are many awesome tools
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Celebrate the gift of you!

good morning my beautiful Goddesses My wish for you today is that you will choose to find creative ways to celebrate your magnificent self! There are countless ways to do so. Perhaps, celebrating yourself may seem a little foreign to you or may sound simply selfish or maybe you simply, how the heck do I do that and why do so…. Why not do so. Many women take it upon themselves to celebrate others or to mark occasions for the special people in their lives. This comes really naturally for some women, often at the expense of themselves. Often feeling
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Speak your truth with Love

hello beautiful ones the universe provides ample opportunities for growth …recently, I hired a friend to help me out with some research and administration tasks that I just could not seem to get too. however, these are an important element of my business. When we are solopreneurs, it is often a challenge to balance all of the tasks, activities, functions and more times, than not ,certain things tend to fall by the wayside for me. I was inspired by Spirit a few weeks ago to chat with a dear friend of mine to see if she would be interested in
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My body, mine to love

continuing my story that I started on monday, when I chose to go within and discover what was lying underneath this memory, I discovered that there were some unresolved feelings and emotions. I , in that moment, when I opened that box, felt incredibly small and inadequate. The man whom I deeply loved , admired and trusted , just broke that trust in that moment……he was one of my safe places to fall in this world, how dare he do this to me? as a little girl, I looked up to this man I called Dad. In that moment, all
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