Archives for self-acceptance

You are beautiful no matter what they say!

hello lovely ones today’s blog has been inspired by a moment that I witnessed last evening while watching So You Think You Can Dance!  for those of you who may not be aware of the premise of the show, it provides an opportunity for youth to show off their dancing skills and hopefuly make it to the top 20 …then the top 10 on the show. Most dance styles are covered in this reality show which usually airs spring/summer. The dancers are judged for their talents and may move forward in the competition if the judges agree to letting them
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Are you happy with your body?

Our bodies are our sacred vessels that we have been blessed with in this lifetime. Many of us have had some challenges graciously accepting our bodies because we feel on some level that it needs to look a certain way or be a certain size. We are constantly bombarded by messages about beauty, and how we should look in this world. For example, at the checkouts at your local superstore, there are usually loads of magazine. Have you ever seen a woman on the cover that is not slim and/or curvaceous? rather unlikely….for years, I did not like my body.
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feel it…acknowledge it…release it

hello beautiful ones… it has been a while since we have last touched base in this way. I am truly sorry …It’s been a whirlwind of activities. well , here I am. My journey is all about teaching others to embrace their authentic selves…helping them to tap into their inner goddesses so to speak. some of you may wonder what does that truly mean? honestly, the real answer is you get to define what goddess means for you whether you are a woman or a man, there is a feminine energy that is always within you and available to tap
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Are you willing to be Brave to listen to your heart, to your spirit?

“All it takes is finding the bravery to be true to what’s in your heart and in your spirit.  It’s not always easy (that’s the brave part) but is wonderfully simple.”  Jamie Ridler I love this quote…it is simple yet incredibly powerful. Are you being true to your heart? To your Spirit?  Your spirit is your soul’s essence and it’s important to know her/him well and let him/her shine as brilliantly as she can. Your spirit lies deep within you…it is you…the very core of you… you let your Spirit shine through or do you put a mask on it…afraid
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