Archives for gratitude

Gratitude Love Project

It’s been a while since I’ve last touch base with you. I hope that all is well with you. I thank you for your patience,understanding and your continued loyalty. For me, December is a time of reflection as the year is quickly coming to a close. Amidst this busy festive season, I encourage you to carve out some quite time just for you to reflect on the gifts, the blessings and the lessons of this past year. When we are busy running the treadmill of life, it is so easy to forget all that has transpired during the year. Perhaps, for some of you it’s been a year filled with personal challenges. I do believe that there is light and gifts in these challenges and I invite you to look for the good in all of it....there is always a thread of hope, of light....change how you see things and your life will change!
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What do you see in the mirror?

Yesterday, I met with one of my mentors who is helping me to step into my power as a business woman. the last 5 years or so has surely been a most interesting journey of ebbs and flows , of questioning , of questing, of great learning. I have met some incredible people whom have changed my life and many of them the clients whom I have the honour to serve  on their journey of self- love!  One of the best jobs, I could possibly have! I love witnessing the light bulb moments and the transformations! It is so incredibly
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God is calling you!

good morning last night , I went to see Oprah at the Scotiabank in Ottawa. It was such a beautiful evening. firstly, I manifested a ticket to this awesome event filled with several thousand women who look to Oprah as a teacher, mentor and guide. I remember telling God, I would love to see Oprah, however, I don’t want to buy a ticket…so if I am truly meant to be there, then find a way. I then let it go! The beauty of manifesting ….asking, feeling it and then releasing it. trusting all is well and will unfold as it
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