Archives for universe

Dare to say yes to your dreams?

Happy Summer to you! It’s been a while since we have touched base. I hope that you are doing well. Many have asked about my book...first and foremost, thank you for asking and touching base via email. Your thoughtfulness, kindness and your support means the world to me. Know that I am here to support you in your greatness. 
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Invite to Open your heart and receive more love

Happy New Year’s to each and everyone! As promised to you in my newsletter, here I am sharing my journey with you on line this coming year. MY wish for each and every one of you is that this year, 2013,  be more amazing than the last! My prayer for each of you is that you will all fall madly deeply in love with your amazing and brilliant selves, while opening your heart fully to receive the love that is ours to embrace!  at the beginning of this new year, I invite you to set your intention for this year…rather than make a huge
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