Archives for shiloh sophia

Blossom into radiance

I am using my blog to chronicle my journey with the Color of Woman program. It's a diary of sorts. From day to day it will contain various things such as insights, rambles, rants or new morsels of awareness as I continue to walk this path. I hope that in some morself of my journey may be similar to what you may be experiencing in your life. EAch day as part of my spiritual practice I draw an oracle card from one of the many decks I have on hand. I these days am playing with the Mother Mary oracle deck created by Alana Fairchild and art work by Shiloh Sophia McCloud.  The oracle card I drew today Our lady of becoming.  “My beloved child, you are a divine flower preparing to bloom. You belong in the divine garden and you will blossom into radiance. I have declared it and it will be so! You shall thrive and be nourished into life. Your uniqueness and beauty shall not be hidden from the world, obscured by veils of fear and shame. I am the holy hand unveiling your secret light, that it may pour forth the grace that heals the world. This is your destiny, and it will be it. “
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My story with Intentional Creativity

Over the course of the next 9 months, I will be chronicling my journey with Intential Creativity method and the Colour of Woman program. The Colour of Woman 2017 program was  created by Shiloh Sophia and my class began it's journey on March 1st. Some of us gathered at Musea Sophia is Sonoma, California while many others joined us via live stream. In this post, I share how I came to the intentional creativity community . It was one totally guided by the Divine Feminine mystery.
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