Archives for sexuality

Dare to say yes to your dreams?

Happy Summer to you! It’s been a while since we have touched base. I hope that you are doing well. Many have asked about my book...first and foremost, thank you for asking and touching base via email. Your thoughtfulness, kindness and your support means the world to me. Know that I am here to support you in your greatness. 
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Let’s talk about sex!

Recently, I’ve read a book  called the Heart and Soul of  Sex by Dr Gina Ogden. Dr. Gina is a sex therapist and a researcher and has worked with thousands of women over the years. This beautiful book is in part a celebration for women. It messages are essenatially about helping us understand and embrace that our sexual experiences encompasses so much more than what happens in the bedroom. As Dr Gina states ” It can affect our whole experience – and can become a powerful path to growth and healing”. over the course of the next few weeks, I
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Sex Matters- is your sexuality something you turn on or off like a tap?

Recently, a mentor of mine recommended that I read Sex Matters  for Women – A complete guide to taking care of your sexual self. I’m only a few chapters in and I am learning so much about myself, about women and our relationship with sexuality. isn’t interesting that it is something that we all have in common yet few dare to speak about their sexuality openly, at least in my circle of friends. How is it in your circle of influence? There is the occasional fun conversation about a delicious evening with their partner yet so few of us talk
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Exploring – the gift that keeps on giving!

Exploring is so much fun! It’s amazing what you will discover about yourself and about others when you simply allow yourself to explore! In my private practice, I often will invite my clients to try something new- to explore! Many times, this is met with some resistance! What do you mean explore? I don’t know where to start?   I don’t have time? To which I say… don’t have time for you?  This is your life and you get to choose each and every step of the way how you choose to live your life. Don’t leave it up to
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Gifts lie in the discovery…self-discovery that is!

good Monday morning to you as I sit here, I am getting ready to head into my art studio for a little play time…I am feeling called to be there this morning as I continue to release emotional stuff which is no longer serving me. last week, a flashback to a family story came to my mind’s eye…..i know the story well, I’ve told it a few times. yet , it struck me differently this time. because it did, it got my attention. the message I felt around this was, time to really look within to see what’s beneath the
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