Archives for power of prayer

Intentional Prayer

I felt drawn to go the studio this morning. It was a spontaneous invite I chose to honour. Within me was swirling different emotions and rather than let them get stuck on a spin cycle which I have been guilty of doing more times than I can remember. I chose to give a voice to what was stirring within with paint and oil pastels. One of my morning rituals is to sit with a cup of tea and then pull an oracle card from one of my decks. these days I am playing with the Mother Mary oracle deck by Alana Fairchild with artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud. Today the card said , Our Lady of Answered Prayers. As I dove in to read it messages, floating within me was resistance , dismay, disappointment and frustration. I also felt embarrassed that I was feeling this way towards a holy message that is meant to encourage and inspire me. Your prayers are being answered. Well the thing is what is the answer and how do I recognize it? I am still learning to decode this. I also believe prayers are answered in their way and most certainly not in the way I am seeking them to be answered for we are all playing a part in the unfolding of the divine.
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Day 40 -My gift today

This is day 40 of my Year of Miracles. Things are shifting in such a beautiful way. It's truly amazing the power of a prayer and what it can do for one's life. In case you are just joining me now, I have made a promise to myself and to God to document my journey using the ancestral clearing healing modality in my personal and professional life. 
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Power of Prayer – January 2013 – Diane Merpaw’s Newsletter

Happy New year to my fellow bundles of Love! These past few weeks have been all about going deeper within to explore and discover the depths of wisdom buried within, to release old wounds while inviting more love into my being, and into my experience I call life. In early January, I came across a most fabulous and powerful book that I have come to cherish. It’s called the Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson. the book is filled with many tips, strategies, insights and prayers. At this moment in my journey, I was really drawn to the prayers
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