Archives for life purpose

God is calling you!

good morning last night , I went to see Oprah at the Scotiabank in Ottawa. It was such a beautiful evening. firstly, I manifested a ticket to this awesome event filled with several thousand women who look to Oprah as a teacher, mentor and guide. I remember telling God, I would love to see Oprah, however, I don’t want to buy a ticket…so if I am truly meant to be there, then find a way. I then let it go! The beauty of manifesting ….asking, feeling it and then releasing it. trusting all is well and will unfold as it
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Your life masterpiece

Quote When we are really honest with ourselves, we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us.  So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.  César Chavez A few weeks ago, when I was in the studio painting, what came to me in a moment of inspiration was the following: your life is a love letter to God!  I was struck with incredible ahhhness….and found the statement so powerful.   I to this day, I continue to ponder these beautiful  and powerful words….God for me is this universal energy of
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