Archives for intention

Speak your truth with Love

hello beautiful ones the universe provides ample opportunities for growth …recently, I hired a friend to help me out with some research and administration tasks that I just could not seem to get too. however, these are an important element of my business. When we are solopreneurs, it is often a challenge to balance all of the tasks, activities, functions and more times, than not ,certain things tend to fall by the wayside for me. I was inspired by Spirit a few weeks ago to chat with a dear friend of mine to see if she would be interested in
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Invite to Open your heart and receive more love

Happy New Year’s to each and everyone! As promised to you in my newsletter, here I am sharing my journey with you on line this coming year. MY wish for each and every one of you is that this year, 2013,  be more amazing than the last! My prayer for each of you is that you will all fall madly deeply in love with your amazing and brilliant selves, while opening your heart fully to receive the love that is ours to embrace!  at the beginning of this new year, I invite you to set your intention for this year…rather than make a huge
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