Archives for follow your heart

Soulful Stories

Day 18 - my journey with Color of Woman With a cup of delicious tea in hand I began my day with reading the prayer I wrote yesterday. It is so yummy to read a prayer that you have created from your heart.  Part of my daily spiritual cafe, I often will choose to read a book, poem or creativity magazine. Today I began to read:  A Call To Action  Women, Religion, Violence and Power by Jimmy Carter. He is truly an remarkable and inspiring man who is actively advocating for women globally.  He inspires me to play a bigger game and to get to know my heart better so that I may find my place amidst it all. I believe there is ample room to make a difference in the world. 
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Out of Box-

hello my beautiful ones   today, I am feeling inspired to share with you how I am somewhat uncomfortable going out of my box…out of my comfort zone. hey, I believe we all have comfort zones. Many of us are creates of habit and do things in the same way , day in and day out. when someone dares us to think differently or to do something differently, we are not always open to the idea. we much prefer to stay with what we know versus what we don’t know. in december, I went to see Nicole Babin, a powerful
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