Archives for Source

My year of Miracles

In early January of this year, my friend introduced me to John Newton's work- Ancestral Healing. I first went to his site to check out his work as Ancestral Healing was fairly new to me. I viewed all of his videos online. A first for me- ever! Something within me stirred and was hooked, though what that was, I honestly don't know. I though chose to trust this strong invisible pull towards his work. On his website, I saw that he was offering weekly teleseminar for the month of January.  ok, I said: let's do this. My heart was leading the way this time and not my mind. In his teleseminar, I learned more about the techniques as well as experienced peacemaking clearings. Part of the spiritual practice that we are encouraged to do every day is to say the forgiveness prayer which has been encoded with consciousness. I that night began to say the forgiveness prayer as instructed- at least 10 times a day. This helps us clear the narratives that we have created so that we may connect more clearly and deeply with consciousness. 
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