Archives for flow of life

Sex Matters- is your sexuality something you turn on or off like a tap?

Recently, a mentor of mine recommended that I read Sex Matters  for Women – A complete guide to taking care of your sexual self. I’m only a few chapters in and I am learning so much about myself, about women and our relationship with sexuality. isn’t interesting that it is something that we all have in common yet few dare to speak about their sexuality openly, at least in my circle of friends. How is it in your circle of influence? There is the occasional fun conversation about a delicious evening with their partner yet so few of us talk
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Dancing in the body

A few weeks ago, I had a privated dance class with a beautiful teacher, Steffi Retzlaff! She teaches a few kinds of dance classes, one called Nia , the other called soul Motion. I approached her with regards to Soul Motion. It s a most amazing dance free of choreography! It has four components, intimate with self, communion with a partner, community and the infinite. WE had talked months before about this kind of dance and it most certainly peaked  my interest…why well, I wanted to dance with the divine in a new way and I have two left feet
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