Archives for unearthing

Unearthing with Paint

This is month 2 in my Colour of Woman (COW) journey with Shiloh Sophia. This week we were invited to begin the deep dive in deeper into ourselves to explore those parts of self that we have set aside hidden, or lost. I am loving the process of setting an intention for my creative process. It brings a mindfulness to it as well it helps me to get centered. For me, I am now choosing to see my canvas as my sacred altar on which I am able to come and pray my thoughts, feelings , ideas with paint and brushes. Before my COW journey began I saw the canvas as a plain white piece of cloth and at times it intimidated me, other times I would simply dive in and play. I am loving this shift in perspective that our canvas, or our piece of paper on which we choose to play and create is a sacred altar where we can lay our prayers on.
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