Archives for healing

Say Something

Is it easy for you to speak up and express your truths, your desires , your disappointments, your frustrations , your anger to yourself or to another? In my experience, I have observed that many women fear speaking up. They have justified doing so a 1000 different ways. Mostly to protect themselves. Actually, I would go as far to say that many women do not know and/or recognize their own inner voice thus making it difficult to express it. Much of this may come from the various stories that lie deep within their subconscious mind that it’s not ok to say something. These stories may come from our upbringing as well as the culture we live in. 
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Gifts lie in the discovery…self-discovery that is!

good Monday morning to you as I sit here, I am getting ready to head into my art studio for a little play time…I am feeling called to be there this morning as I continue to release emotional stuff which is no longer serving me. last week, a flashback to a family story came to my mind’s eye…..i know the story well, I’ve told it a few times. yet , it struck me differently this time. because it did, it got my attention. the message I felt around this was, time to really look within to see what’s beneath the
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Are you following your inner guidance ?

It is my belief that we all have  personal GPS built within us. the question is do you listen to it? to you trust it? will you take action when inspired? Yes, it is totally possible to miss the inspiration because we are to busy with our hectic schedules getting from point a to b…for what I am not totally sure but many make it a priority to fill, overfill their schedules with stuff….lots and lots of stuff……so if your life, your mind is filled with lots of stuff, lots of noise, how do you believe you will be able
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The Healing Peace of Reiki

Article by Jacqueline Ramsey This article appears in the current Winter 2010 issue of Reiki News Magazine. “Oh God, I’m paralyzed,” my mind screamed. I lay in bed unable to move. I had awoken and tried to get out of bed when the pain in my upper body hit. It had been so sharp and so severe that I just lay there trying to calm myself and manage my rising panic. Eventually I was assisted out of bed and taken to the doctor by my husband. I was not paralyzed, though I was diagnosed with a herniated disc in my
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