Archives for gift

Day 40 -My gift today

This is day 40 of my Year of Miracles. Things are shifting in such a beautiful way. It's truly amazing the power of a prayer and what it can do for one's life. In case you are just joining me now, I have made a promise to myself and to God to document my journey using the ancestral clearing healing modality in my personal and professional life. 
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Love After Love

  Last week at the evening with Oprah, she shared this beautiful poem which I have cherish since the time she has shared in O magazine several years ago. Soemthing about it just spoke to me…and still speaks to me. You are the most precious gift there is and I believe, some how, some where, many of us have forgotten that we are a precious gift to this world. Many get lost in the negative inner self talk rather than celebrate the magnificent being that they are. Many believing that they must do great acts in order to be recognized
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