Archives for dancing

Burlesque! Burlesque! calling my name

hello my beautiful fellow goddesses….I am so excited to share with you that our the next Goddess Lounge which I will be hosting at Serendipity Books and Gifts on WEllington Street In Ottawa that I will have the pleasure of having a delicious conversation with Bella Barecatt,creative director of  the Ottawa Burlesque Playground. at the goddess lounge we will get a little preview into the world of burlesque…perhaps this will inspire you to get in touch with your inner tigress and/or vixen..perhaps it will help you strengthen the connection of your that beautiful naughty one that is within you! All
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Observe- life is full of precious gifts!

good morning I m back from a week’s vacation in the sun! it felt so good to unplug so to speak from the daily grind of my life. I shared the week with my handsome man and what a fabulous , love filled week it was! We walked the beach every single day, feet caressed by the golden sun, the sand and the warm ocean water! Ah, food for my soul! Hours laying on the beach getting lost in stories. I ‘m so proud of myself because for the first time in a very long time, I chose to read
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