Archives for celebration

Yes, You are amazing!

Recently , at a cocktail party where we were celebrating 9 amazing women who were finalist in the Women Business Network’s Business of the Year awards, I witnessed a touching moment. The evening was organized by the Gala committee for which I am a member of! Our objective was to create a special evening where the finalist had a chance to meet one another as well as meet  and chat the BYA gala committee members. It was a deligthful evening of interesting conversations with various women whom are all successful in each of their respective fields be it Corporate, Professional
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Celebrate the gift of you!

good morning my beautiful Goddesses My wish for you today is that you will choose to find creative ways to celebrate your magnificent self! There are countless ways to do so. Perhaps, celebrating yourself may seem a little foreign to you or may sound simply selfish or maybe you simply, how the heck do I do that and why do so…. Why not do so. Many women take it upon themselves to celebrate others or to mark occasions for the special people in their lives. This comes really naturally for some women, often at the expense of themselves. Often feeling
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