Sacred Creativity ignites your aliveness and awakens you to your true nature

Painting is a pathway to self acceptance. As the painting unfolds, you unfold.

Welcome Dear Heart, I am so delighted you are here!

My name is Diane.

I am a Sacred Intuitive Painter, Creative Writer, Expressive Arts Practitioner who uses various forms of creativity to help you unearth your soul's essence. Sacred Intuitive Painting is the primary modality I invite you into. To strengthen and deepen your experience, I may use poetry, creative writing, free flow movement or other creative activities to help you to access the infinite wisdom within you.

Sacred Intuitive Painting path is a path of self acceptance where you are invited to meet the various parts of you in their myriads of expression. All is welcomed here. No need to hide nor be silent.

Sacred intuitive painting is unapologetic in her invitation.  This process may strip you naked over and over again. Her loving mission should you choose to accept it is to help you unearth your soul’s essence by inviting you to welcome all of the parts of your human self that you have rejected, shamed or set aside to fit into the world around you.

In this unpredictable and, often wild terrain of the self,  curiosity and imagination are your powerful allies that will assist you in continuing to trust the intuitive impulses and the wisdom that lies innate within you. What if you dared to say yes to this mark or to a particular colour? What  if you dared to say yes and listen to your own voice, how would your creative genius express itself or what what it give birth to?

This Sacred Intuitive Painting path will also reveal the gifts of your soul awaiting to be discovered and shared with the world in some way, no matter how insignificant you believe it may be.

This sacred process is a deep communion with intimacy of self as well as with Spirit.

In this sacred sanctuary of creativity where you are invited to know thyself. It will ignite your thread of aliveness.

This powerful process is a way to give a voice to what is within you for which you may not have words for.

In this sacred process you have the opportunity to awaken to the infinite expressions of your creative self.

Sacred intuitive painting process is the path that I chose to help me to come home to more of myself. It is a practice that I consciously choose to nourish and nurture daily in various ways. This sacred creative path was instrumental in my healing journey of sexual abuse.

At times, creativity was my only outlet to express deep dark emotions for which I had no words for. Over and over again, the page or the canvas greeted me with a blank page inviting me to share what was here in the moment. I was held with no judgements. There was no requirement to change myself in any way to meet the page or canvas. Whatever was here in the moment was greeted unconditionally with love and acceptance by the process. As I continued to allow myself to wildly surrender to the intuitive impulses within me that were seeking a place to be seen, witnessed and accepted with love and compassion, something within me began to transform and peacefulness or a quietness began to emerge.  Over and over again I was invited to drop my judgements and to move into a space of vast curiosity and imagination to see what wisdom this Sacred Intuitive Painting process had to offer me. Sacred Intuitive Painting is a process that continuously invites me to face myself . She does not discriminate. She simply invites me to drop all of my masks and to be with my wild, raw, joyful, sorrowful, pensive self.

Womanhood is a journey of rich complexities where raw expressions of beauty and gut wrenching sorrow walk hand in hand inviting us to strip away all of which does not serve us so we may unearth our authentic essence.  Our hearts, the compass, that guide us to return to the wholyness of our beingness. Here in the sanctuary of your sacredness you are held, witnessed and loved unconditionally.


  • devote yourself to a loving and sacred path of self acceptance;
  • be seen, heard and acknowledged;
  • discover and express the uniqueness of your voice;
  • reconnect with the creative essence that flows in and through you;
  • cultivate the fullness of your aliveness; know yourself and to let go of what no longer serves you;
  • remember the union of soul and self.

Sacred Intuitive Painting is a raw and unapologetic reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

As the painting unfolds, you unfold, surrender and blossom.

In the wild surrender of the self, you discover the infinite inner magic that lies within you.


Upcoming Events


Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver



Through creative explorations, I invite you to an intimate communion and reunion with your Soul Self. Together, we will explore the rich and vast landscape of the dance between your soul and human self. YOU are the Magic the Universe is waiting for!

Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach